Mittens Joins The Crew!

After Dash realizes that her beloved cat Mittens can be trusted nowhere else but by the side of the Girldivers, Mittens was sworn in & made an official part of the crew!

Once you liberate the planet "Mitten's Cage", rescue Mittens, and thank the poor kitty's protector, you will find that a comfy fuzzball miraculously appears by your bed in the ship.

Now that Dash has brought aboard your new feline friend, you can decide how you want them to participate in the Girldivers program. Stay on the ship and be cute or have them follow you around during your missions.

And don't worry, Super Earth has space helmets specially designed for pets so they can accompany you on Luna missions. Or maybe you think those helmets look fashionable, there's a setting to have your pet always wear their helmet:

0.8.0 Changes

We've been hard at work on the game's full release coming November 15th and decided to do something fun for everyone waiting, so we hope you enjoy.


  • Added Mittens & their cat bed to the game!


  • All shotguns have had their damage buffed ~10+%.
  • Buffed Speed Panties speed bonus slightly (5->6).
  • Haunted Gloves now provide a small speed bonus.


  • Ammo text now changes colors based off of how much ammo you have left.
  • Added setting to have Mittens always wear their space helmet (including in the ship).

For those who missed it

Thank you everyone who participated! When deciding what new diver to add for the full release November 15th, we received an incredible 402 votes on Discord!

The winner with 235 votes was the Spider Girl!

 We're already deep into the process of getting her into the game for full release including a new campaign path, game sprite, a new cute officer mission, and story shots!

We're also hard at work on the full release update which will have all that content, a new weapon, new gadget, and new features like key rebinding and auto saving.

Lets play!

Join us on 18+ Discord (New art, Updates, Chat) :)
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Full Game

Thanks for reading ;3
~Captain Cake

Files 779 MB
Oct 12, 2024


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